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Museums & Art Galleries

If your looking for a touch of history, culture or local knowledge then please take a look at the places you can visit nearby.

Things to do near Wetheral Cottages

A quirky and interesting museum about pencils. The building sits in the shadow of the old Cumberland Pencils factory which was home to the world’s first ever pencil! You will also find a gift shop and coffee shop.

Things to do near Wetheral Cottages

A gallery, café, cinema, shopping venue, workplace and creative space where you can gather with friends/family or spend time alone with your book.

Things to do near Wetheral Cottages

Located within the old Robinson's School building, which was established in 1670. Inside you can explore the archaeology, art, social, cultural and natural history and geology of  Penrith and the surrounding areas.

Things to do near Wetheral Cottages

Home to a collection of aircraft, aviation artifacts and displays reflecting Britain’s position as a world leader in aircraft design and innovation at the dawn of the jet age. You will be able to sit in the cockpit of a Vulcan Bomber and take a look at an Avro Vulcan.

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